Minnesota Statewide/Twin Cities

Previous reports: April 4 11 18 25 , May 2 6 9 23 30 .
Other Hotlines: Minnesota Duluth/North Shore
*Minnesota Statewide
*June 13, 1996

-Birds mentioned

Hotline: Minnesota Statewide/Twin Cities
Date: June 13, 1996
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU)
Reports: (612) 780-8890
Compiler: Anthony Hertzel
Transcriber: Anthony Hertzel (tony@mill2.MillComm.COM)

This is the Minnesota birding report for Thursday June 13th sponsored by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.

At least two of those three PRAIRIE WARBLERS first discovered on June 4th were still being found in the East Bethel area of northern Anoka County. These birds are in a location which is part of the Cedar Creek Natural History Area. Please note that entry into this area is prohibited. Since these birds are apparently on territory and singing frequently, the use of tapes is not necessary and is probably detrimental. Directions to this area are to drive east along County Road 24 from state highway 65 for three quarters of a mile. Turn south onto county road 26 and drive the winding road for just over two miles to a dirt road which branches off to the north. This is East Bethel Blvd. Drive north for about 1/3 of a mile to the large grove of trees on the right. Again, entry beyond the fence is not allowed, and neither is it necessary since the birds can be seen and heard from the roadside. Other birds in the area include LARK and FIELD SPARROW, EASTERN TOWHEE, SCARLET TANAGER and INDIGO BUNTING.

EARED GREBES are nesting in Rice County just north of the town of Faribault. The location is the northern most of three ponds which are about a mile north of state highway 3 along county road 76.

A very late SNOW GOOSE was at the Crookston sewage ponds on June 7, and lingering CASPIAN TERNS were reported by several people from the west side of Cedar Lake in Minneapolis. A group of up to 60 birds was there as late as June 10th.

A possible RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRD appeared at a feeder in Hubbard County on June 6th. The bird has not returned but if it does reappear, this tape will be updated.

Two NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRDS were found in central Minnesota. One bird was seen on June 6th by Tony Hertzel at the junction of Anoka County Roads 17 and 60. The other was found by Tom Tustison on June 9th in Isanti County, 8/10th of a mile east of highway 65 on County Road 56.

What would be a near record late RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET passed through a yard in Maplewood on June 8th.

BELL'S VIREOS were at McCarthy Lake WMA in Wabasha County, though I have no specific directions, and a PROTHONOTARY WARBLER was found in Sibley County just off U.S. highway 169 on highway 93

Paul Egeland made a trip to Seven-mile Creek County Park near St. Peter, Nicollet County on June 8th and reports finding BLUE- WINGED and CERULEAN WARBLERS and a single KENTUCKY WARBLER. The KENTUCKY WARBLER was at its traditional location along trail number 2 near the stream. Several ACADIAN FLYCATCHERS were in the area as well. ACADIAN FLYCATCHERS can also be found at Murphy Hanrehan Park in Burnsville, at Long Lake Regional Park in Ramsey County, and at Elm Creek Park in Hennepin County.

A BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER was found June 10th near the very southern edge of its range at Lake Schmidt in Inver Grove Heights, and a late TENNESSEE WARBLER was heard by Dave Zumeta on June 9th along the East River Road in St. Paul. Another TENNESSEE WARBLER was found in Chisago County by Bob Holtz on June 12th along highway 19, one and a third miles west of highway 77. Unusual is the HOODED WARBLER found at Camp Ripley near Little Falls in Morrison County. Anyone interested in seeing this bird, which is apparently on territory, can call Sam Merrel at 320-632-7635.

The next scheduled update of this tape is Wednesday June 19th. If you have birds to report, please leave your name, location, phone number and a specific message.

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