[rba] [mou] Henslow's Sparrows

Tom Bell rba at moumn.org
Tue Jul 8 15:56:42 CDT 2008

Last Friday, July 4, two Henslow's sparrows were heard and seen by  
myself and Bonnie Sample on prairie at Carpenter Nature Center  
(CNC)along the St. Croix River. The birds were on the north side of  
the E-W trail onto the prairie. This trail entrance can be driven and  
is just south of the entrance road into CNC. Also in that same area  
were several Sedge Wrens singing. The Sedge Wrens do not show up on  
the tall grass prairie until almost July. I have had contact with  
other birders that have experienced the same thing, Sedge Wrens  
showing up in tall grass prairie areas not till the plants are growing  
tall. The wrens occur earlier in wetter, denser vegetated areas  
earlier. I am guessing, that their late arrival is due to establishing  
territories for a second nesting.

Tom Bell
Grey Cloud Island
5868 Pioneer Rd. S.
St. Paul Park, MN 55071
651 459-4150

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