[mou] Red-tailed pair in Golden Valley, Hennepin County

Curt Rawn CNR22 at comcast.net
Wed Mar 5 20:57:24 CST 2008

Sorry for the late post. 

Wednesday March 4th, I saw a pair of Red-tailed Hawks in Golden Valley. They were perched high in a tree about 2 feet apart,  by Highway 169 at the intersection of Mendelssohn Ave and 10th Ave North.  There is a fenced yard owned by the city at this locale with many large trees. 

These birds both had a very faint belly band, white speckled V on the scapulars and noticeable red tails. One was much larger than the other. I saw them at 9 am and later at 11:45 am., and watched the larger one fly off 1/4 mile NE. I did not spot a nest.

Curt Rawn
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