[mou] Gray Partridge Nicollet Co.

Jason Caddy j.caddy at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 17 23:13:33 CDT 2008

I went shorebirding today at the WMA location 1 mile north of the town of Nicollet on the east side of Hwy. 111. As I opened my car door and got out in the small parking area, I flushed two Gray Partidges which flew low into a nearby field. My first of two lifers today! There was also a flock of 30 Am. Wt. Pelicans circling over the parking area.
I headed to the prime shorebird habitat down the trail and found the following shorebirds:
Killdeer- numerous
Semipalmated Plover- 6
Pectoral Sandpiper- numerous
Least Sandpiper- numerous
Semipalmated Sandpiper- a few
Greater Yellowlegs- a few
Lessor Yellowlegs- numerous
Stilt Sandpiper- 12
Spotted Sandpiper- 1
Other species of note in the area were: many Bobolinks, N. Harrier, N. Shoveler, and Bonaparts Gulls.
If you intend to visit this location look carefully for the turn into the refuge as it is not obvious.
In the afternoon I headed over to Purgatory Creek and was very suprised to see the R.N. Phalarope that Alyssa mentioned earlier. It was the first Phalarope I had ever seen and it was fun to watch the behavior of this active little shorebird. I watched it swim circles, walk on the mud and fly, noticing the wing pattern. I also saw an osprey carrying a fish (young carp?) over the pond. 
Overall a great day.
Good Birding,
Jason Caddy
j.caddy at hotmail.com
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