[mou] Westwood Hills (Hennepin Co.)

alyssa tiger150 at comcast.net
Fri Aug 31 13:06:43 EDT 2007

There were quite a few migrants present at Westwood Hills Nature Center (St. Louis Park) today. Highlights included:

- Blue-headed Vireo (a youngster which landed on the trail as it picked up a tasty morsel)

- Red-necked Grebe (1 that has been present for the past week on the northwest side of the lake)

- White-throated Sparrow (appeared to be a 1st winter, hanging out by the feeders)

There were two small warbler waves between the building and the T Dock, but no species of interest, except for the fist male redstart and first Scarlet Tangager I've seen this fall. Warbling Vireo, R-E Vireo (?), House Wrens and yellowthroats are still singing. Other species seen recently include Ruby-crowned Kinglet and Lincoln's Sparrow. E-mail for any questions. Good birding!

Alyssa DeRubeis
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