[mou] Long-tailed Jaeger Update

Benjamin Fritchman fieldfare21 at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 29 22:38:01 EDT 2007

This evening (8/29) I made the trek up to Agassiz NWR to look for the Jaeger 
first reported last week. It magically showed up right at 6 P.M. on the 
gravel road previously reported by Jeanie Joppru. It was a very tame bird. 
Several times it got very close to me. At one point it was hunting the 
ditch, and flew within just a few feet of me as I stood on the road. Another 
time it was standing on the road with me, and I had my scope on its lowest 
power(15x), and the Jaeger didn't fit in the field of view. During most of 
my observation, it stood in the middle of the road, and would run and catch 
insects......it reminded me of a shorebird running around. It seemed out of 
place, with fields completely surrounding the area. I believe the nearest 
water would be Farme's Pool, a few miles away. It was an amazing experience, 
and I doubt I'll ever get to see an adult Long-tailed Jaeger that close to 
me again.
At headquarters pool, I also had 12 species of shorebirds, with the 1 
Black-bellied Plover, 2 Sanderlings(on a rock out in the water on the north 
side of the road), and 1 Red-necked Phalarope being the best. 11 warbler 
species at headquarters also.

Ben Fritchman
NDSU Fargo, ND

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